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Sleep Apnea

White man with sleep apnea snoring while trying to sleep in bed.Sleep apnea is a hazardous sleep disorder that causes patients to cease breathing when they are sleeping. If unattended, it may result in excessive daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, and other major health issues like diabetes, heart attacks, heart failure, high blood pressure, and strokes. It's critical to distinguish between sleep apnea and normal snoring, which mainly occur from alcohol intake, poor sleeping habits, obesity, aging, and nose or throat-related disorders. Adults with sleep apnea may be more prone to accidents and occupational impairment, such as driving incidents and workplace mistakes. In children, the problem affects their academic performance. Visit Sola Smile Co. to get more information about sleep apnea.

Types of Sleep Apnea

Central and obstructive sleep apnea are the two forms. No airways are blocked by central sleep apnea. With central sleep apnea your brain does not convey a command to your muscles directing them to breathe because of problems with the respiratory control center. Central sleep apnea, which is associated with the functioning of the central nervous system, is more prevalent in those with stroke, renal disease, lung disease, and other neuromuscular diseases.

On the other hand, obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissue in the back of your throat contracts while sleeping, leading to blockage of the airways either entirely or partially. This forces the diaphragm and chest muscles to work extra harder to widen the airways. As a result, vital organs are deprived of oxygen, which leads to irregular heartbeats.

Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Your partner may be the first to discover the early signs of sleep apnea. Many people with this illness don't have sleep problems. However, night sweats, migraines, daytime tiredness, sexual dysfunction, frequent urination during the night, loud snoring, and mood swings are the most noticeable symptoms of sleep apnea. You may also feel uneasy when attempting to fall asleep and have recurrent night awakenings. People with sleep apnea usually have a dry mouth and a sore throat after waking up. Many people may get agitated, forgetful, or have trouble focusing. Enthusiasm and bedwetting are frequent symptoms of sleep apnea in children.

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

You will participate in an overnight sleep study if the sleep specialists suspect that you may have sleep apnea. A polysomnogram is usually carried out in the sleep laboratory with the aid of a qualified technician. During the study, the doctor will observe your breathing patterns, blood oxygen levels, airflow, brain activity, heart rate, muscle activity, blood flow, and eye movements. After the evaluation, the technician will assess your sleep apnea based on the test results.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

The type of treatment you receive will depend on how severe your sleep apnea is. The conservative methods of treating sleep apnea are the most common. Your doctor might suggest you lose weight, stop smoking, or take an antihistamine for nasal allergies. An oral appliance, a device that keeps your throat open, is another treatment option. By continuously using positive airway pressure, it is possible to keep the airway open and reduce snoring and sleep apnea. If all other treatments are unsuccessful, your doctor might recommend surgery.

Visit Sola Smile Co. to inquire more about sleep apnea treatment. Call us today at 512-615-9405 to book an appointment.
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Tue: 7:00am to 6:00pm
Wed: 7:00am to 4:00pm
Thu: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Fri: By appointment only

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Sleep Apnea | Sola Smiles Co. | Austin, TX
Struggling with sleep apnea? Sola Smile Co. in Austin, TX provides advanced diagnostics and custom oral appliances for restful nights. Learn more today!
Sola Smile Co. - Dr. Thomas Gent, 8701 Menchaca Road Building 3, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78748 \ 512-615-9405 \ \ 1/31/2025 \ Associated Words: dentist Austin TX \